Simple Style, Elegantly, and Easy Going

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Small Purple Style

Hello guys, I think my blog is still desolately. So I have to post many story about my fashion. You know that, my style is not glamour, not with high prices,  and just a simple style because at first the purpose of my blog, I just want to share about my day clothes.

Actually I want to attending my cousin wedding’s party in SMKN 1 Kasihan, many people more recognize with name SMSR. On that day so hot, because the party in the midday. I go with Ms Watie (my sister) and I choose my dress like this. (I’m so sorry because my English so poor ^ ^ but I try hard to study every free time like this, hehe.
small purple flower
in a wedding's friend

foto dulu sambil makan ice cream biar *adem

aminfitriyah & my sista

4 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Hehe you right annisa thanks for your comment,,maybe you are the first who comment on my blog..
      Thankyou very much ^ ^

    2. You are welcome, dear ^^
      Then you should start blogwalking and comment on people's post, so they can notice your blog ^^

    3. Annisa: yeach, thanks, I will do it like your advice, you are beautifull and I like your hijab style. n I hope we can share everything about woman style... ^^
